As Veterans Day approaches, York High School prepares for its annual Veterans Day assembly. Taking place on November 8th, the event is slated to feature a slideshow of veteran loved ones with images provided by students, and a guest speaker, Major General Thomas F. Spencer, who will attend the assembly and speak on the importance of Veterans Day to York students and staff.
Veterans Day is recognized annually on November 11th, it originated as a means to honor those who served in World War I. President Woodrow Wilson first signed the day into effect as Armistice Day in 1919, at which it coincided with Remembrance Day, a holiday with the same purpose that is acknowledged in the United Kingdom and many of its commonwealth nations. Only in 1954 was Armistice Day changed to Veterans Day at the request of Korean War and World War II veterans to be adequately inclusive to all who have served in military conflicts. Today, it stands as a way to commemorate veterans’ service, which is why most schools (including York) have the day off in its observance.
The assembly has been arranged by Señora Caraballo. Her insight on its purpose is that “the assembly is to honor our veterans who have served for our country in a nice way, including the student body and the teachers,” and, regarding guests, she states that “we have invited as many veterans as we can so they can come and be honored.” There will be a breakfast held after the assembly for these veterans who attend, as a way to express appreciation for their service.
“It is extremely important that in this country we have freedom… and the reason why we are free is because of those who have fought for our freedom,” Caraballo explains. “We are holding an assembly because it is important for an institution of education to hold an assembly to educate the students and to remind them of how important our veterans are.” She adds that she hopes “this will also teach [students] to be patriotic and proud of their country.” Finally, concerning the intent of the assembly, she says, “I hope that the students learn the importance of honoring our heroes,” and that she’d “like to thank them for their participation” in doing so.
Señora Caraballo has prompted students to send photos of veterans whom they are close to in preparation for the event; if students would like to contribute, emailing her such images would be appreciated.