The PSAT is a standardized test that is very commonly taken by high school students in the fall of their junior year. Contrary to what many believe, the PSAT is much more than just a practice test for the SAT. Millions of high school students take the PSAT each year in preparation for college, scholarship opportunities, and personal academic growth. Even though it plays a large part in familiarizing students with the SAT’s format, the PSAT serves as an opening to things like the National Merit Scholarship Program, financial aid, and recognition from top universities. This article aims to put the significance of the PSAT into perspective for students to make sure they are making the most out of this opportunity.
The most obvious benefit of the PSAT is that it is simply a practice version of the SAT. Students can become familiar with the types of questions, format, and timing of the SAT. Many students are very stressed about taking the SAT. This practice exam reduces anxiety and can even improve performance when taking the actual SAT.
Attending college comes with significant expenses and economic stress. Scholarships are a form of financial aid awarded to students in order to pay for their further education. The PSAT is the qualifying test for the National Merit Scholarship Program. Typically the top 1% of scorers in the state are qualified to become National Merit Scholars. Being a National Merit scholar can lead to many scholarship opportunities and recognition from colleges, which can be extremely beneficial and stress-relieving in the college application process.

The PSAT shows students a detailed report of their performance in a variety of different subject areas shown across the 4 sections. This feedback can be extremely beneficial in studying for the real SAT by showing exactly where a student needs to improve. This data can also be loaded into certain sites, like Khan Academy, to provide specific practice problems during the studying process.
Finally, the PSAT gives students a lot of college and career planning resources like college search tools, career exploration materials, and early college recruitment, which can aid in their overall academic and career planning. Early college recruitment looks like receiving college brochures, emails, and other recruitment materials from universities. This gives students early exposure to potential college opportunities.
The PSAT is important for SAT preparation, scholarship opportunities, providing a benchmark for academic progress, and access to college planning resources. It offers students a valuable experience, helps alleviate anxiety about the SAT as well as college, and can significantly improve SAT performance. Students should view the PSAT as a comprehensive opportunity to enhance their academic journey and set themselves up for success.