The Agamenticus Sun

The Agamenticus Sun

The Agamenticus Sun

Course Selection
May 17, 2024

Coach Hutch’s Retirement

Hannah Eager

After 35 years, Hutch, who you may know as a coach or your favorite handyman, has made the decision to step down from his role as head coach of all cross country and track teams. He made this decision because he “wanted to go out while I still had a little left on the plate… I still enjoy it and could do another 10 years standing on my head, easy… But now’s the time.” He continued to discuss his favorite memories to be every track and every meet. Hutch described his years of coaching as “the best job at York High School” and that “no one enjoys their job more here than I do.” He admitted, “I have the best job with the best athletes,” and all of these athletes feel the same. 

Track athletes Brooke Geller and Lucy Brogan stated how “coming home after a late meet to see the pizza Hutch provided for us shows how much he cares and appreciates us.” Nina Murphy recognized “how committed he is to coaching and how his coaching strategies show how much he enjoys what he does and the obvious love he has for his players.” Graham Lamprey even remembered “from freshman year how Hutch lined us all up and took a photo saying how we’d take another one just like that as seniors, much bigger and stronger.” 

It is clear how big of an impact Hutch has made in so many student athletes’ lives at York High School and has kept the school in one piece. We are all very sad that his journey as a coach at York High School is ending after the next cross country season, but we appreciate all the dedication he has put forth to make such a big impact at York High School. He will be remembered as the best track coach at York High School and will be greatly missed in the season to come. Speaking from all the track and cross country athletes that have been coached by Hutch, thank you for all the love and support you’ve shown us throughout these years of being your athletes, we will miss all your stories and jokes. We promise to “get off the devil’s devices” while at practice and never forget that “high school boys are stupid.” Thank you Hutch.

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