York High School Drama Club Takes on Statewide Theater Competition

Preparation for one-act performance

Sophie Scapicchio, Writer

Theater is not an activity that is usually thought of as competitive. However, on March 10th and 11th, the York High School Drama Club will be in Saco to perform a one-act play and compete with eight other schools over two days. George Hosker-Bouley, director of the York Drama Club, says about the competition, “By its very nature, theater is not a competitive sport, but it does allow our performers to see what other schools are doing and to gauge our level of expertise.” While York did participate last year, it was less formal as the program was still recovering from COVID-19. This year, it will be much larger with over 600 people participating.

The competition’s rules are simple—each school performs a play of no more than 30 minutes, and the best play is declared the winner. Every student is required to watch every other school’s play, which is an opportunity to socialize with actors from across the state. George Hosker-Bouley explains, “The best aspect of the one-act competition is that our actors get to meet actors and theater artists from other schools in the state. It allows everyone to share their experiences at their school while we can put out information on what is happening in York.” This piece of the one-act is unique because theater is generally an activity that confines participants to their towns, unlike sports or other competitive activities. So being able to spend time alongside actors and participants from other schools around the state is a rare and exciting opportunity for York’s drama club. 

This year, York is performing a comedy titled The Ever After by Nathan Hartswick. It tells the story of everyone’s favorite fairy-tale characters being interviewed twenty years after their stories have ended. Featuring characters from Cinderella’s ugly stepsisters, to Jiminy Cricket (now an occupational therapist), the play is a witty look at what happens after a happily ever after. 

The one-act plays are a unique experience for the York Drama Club, “Doing one-acts are great because it allows more creative freedom since we are not pressed to do a full-length play. This allows performers to try new things, to get parts they would not normally get, and to expand their own performance experience,” explains Hosker-Bouley. While some think the more emotional plays win, the Drama Club members felt strongly about doing a comedy play. 

Overall, the York drama club is ready to put on a fun show and learn from other theater groups across the state. Also, be ready for a production of The Wizard of Oz in the spring, approaching fast!